"The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates,
the great teacher inspires." William Arthur Ward

Monday, June 28, 2010


Do you find tenses tricky? Can you tell if a sentence is in the present or past tense?

Have a go at this three level 'tenses' quiz to find out!http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/grammar/tenses/getting_the_right_tense/quiz.shtml

TIP! Make sure you answer every question. Don't be afraid - just have a go!

If you'd like to know more about tenses first, try the factsheets.

The game where you can win points by getting your tenses right!


Nahuel Orosco said...

Level 1: You scored 10/10 [100.0%]
Level 2: You scored 10/10 [100.0%]
Level 3: You scored 10/10 [100.0%] so

Marina Alfonso said...



Brian said...

Level A: 8/10 [80.0%]
Level B: 8/10 [80.0%]
Level c: 6/10 [60.0%]

Mariana Ferreyra said...

Level 1: You scored 9/10 [90.0%]
Level 2: You scored 9/10 [90.0%]
Level 3: You scored 9/10 [90.0%]

Marina Alfonso said...

Great, Mariana!

Yami said...

Level 1: You scored 9/10 [90.0%]
Level 2: You scored 8/10 [80.0%]
Level 3: You scored 8/10 [80.0%]