The migrations to the current territory of the Argentina began several milleniums B.C., with the arrival of the cultures of Asian origin that entered to the American continent for Beringia, according to the most accepted theories, and were populating slowly the American continent. At the arrival of the Spanish, the inhabitants of the current Argentine territory were representing hundreds of thousands of persons belonging to numerous civilizations, cultures, cities and different tribes.
On this substratum, the Argentine territory has experienced different migratory currents:
he Hispanic settling between the XVIth and XVIIIth century, for the most part masculine, that assimilated with the native ones in a process of miscegenation. Not the whole current territory was colonized really by the Spanish. The region chaqueña, the Patagonia, the territory of the current province of The Pampas and of most of the current provinces of Buenos Aires, San Luis and Mendoza were kept under indigenous domain Mapuche, ranqueles, wichis and other peoples until they were conquered by the Argentine State, after the independence.
* The persons' forced introduction of black skin taken of Africa to be employed as slaves at the colony between the XVIIth and XIXth century.
* The European immigration promoted by the Constitution Argentina of 1853 under the base of the rule alberdiano, of governing is to populate, destined to generate a social rural fabric and to finish the occupation of the territories obtained by means of the military campaign against the Mapuche and ranqueles named conquest of the desert.
* The urban, principally European immigration and in minor measure of Middle East, produced during ends of the 19th century and the first half of the XXth.
* The immigration of neighboring countries, more or less it continues throughout the XIXth and XXth century. This type of immigration that goes back to the first civilizations agroalfareras appeared in Argentine territory , unlike the European immigration was considered to be always a problem for not being included in the one that it must be promoted in fulfillment of the Constitution.
* The new migratory currents from the years ' 80 and ' 90 from ones Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia, Central America, Asia and Eastern Europe.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Immigration to Argentina.
Immigration in Argentina, can be divided in several major stages:
Spanish colonization starting in the 16th century, integrating the indigenous inhabitants (see Population history of American indigenous peoples).
European immigration in the 19th century, focused on colonization and sponsored by the government (sometimes on lands "freed" of the native inhabitants by the Conquest of the Desert in the last quarter of the century).
The forced introduction of blacks brought from Africa to work as slaves in the colony between the 17th and 19th centuries.
Mostly urban immigration during the era of rapid growth in the late 19th century (from 1880 onwards) and the first half of the 20th century, before and after World War I and also after the Spanish Civil War.
Economic migrants from Korea, China, Central America, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia and from Eastern Europe in the late 20th century and early 21st century.
Since its unification as a country and before, Argentine rulers intended the country to welcome productive immigration, albeit selectively. Article 25 of the 1853 Constitution reads:
The Federal Government will encourage European immigration, and it will not restrict, limit or burden with any taxes the entrance into Argentine territory of foreigners who come with the goal of working the land, improving the industries and teach the sciences and the arts.
The Preamble of the Constitution, more generously, dictates a number of goals (justice, peace, defense, welfare and liberty) that apply "to all men in the world who wish to dwell on Argentine soil". The Constitution incorporates, along with other influences, the thought of Juan Bautista Alberdi, who expressed his opinion on the matter in succinct terms: "to rule is to populate".
The legal and organizational precedents of today's National Migrations Office (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones) can be found in 1825, when Rivadavia created an Immigration Commission. After the Commission was dissolved, the government of Rosas continued to allow immigration. Urquiza, under whose sponsorship the Constitution was drawn, encouraged the establishment of agricultural colonies in the Littoral (western Mesopotamia and north-eastern Pampas).
The first law dealing with immigration policies was Law 817 of Immigration and Colonization, of 1876. The General Immigration Office was created in 1898, together with the Hotel de Inmigrantes (Immigrants' Hotel), in Buenos Aires.
The liberal rulers of the late 19th century saw immigration as the possibility of bringing people from supposedly more civilized, enlightened countries into a sparsely populated land, thus diminishing the influence of aboriginal elements and turning Argentina into a modern society with a dynamic economy. However, immigrants did not only bring their knowledge and skills. In 1902, a Law of Residence (Ley de Residencia) was passed, mandating the expulsion of foreigners who "compromise national security or disturb public order", and in 1910 a Law of Social Defense (Ley de Defensa Social) explicitly named ideologies deemed to have such effects. These laws were a reaction by the ruling elite against imported ideas such as labor unionism, anarchism and other forms of popular organization.
The modern National Migrations Office was created by decree on February 4, 1949 under the Technical Secretariat of the Presidency, in order to deal with the new post-war immigration scenario. New regulations were added to the Office by Law 22439 of 1981 and a decree of 1994.
By Priscila Puerta, Manuel Buceta, Nicolás Pereyra and Josué Ghiso.
Spanish colonization starting in the 16th century, integrating the indigenous inhabitants (see Population history of American indigenous peoples).
European immigration in the 19th century, focused on colonization and sponsored by the government (sometimes on lands "freed" of the native inhabitants by the Conquest of the Desert in the last quarter of the century).
The forced introduction of blacks brought from Africa to work as slaves in the colony between the 17th and 19th centuries.
Mostly urban immigration during the era of rapid growth in the late 19th century (from 1880 onwards) and the first half of the 20th century, before and after World War I and also after the Spanish Civil War.
Economic migrants from Korea, China, Central America, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia and from Eastern Europe in the late 20th century and early 21st century.
Since its unification as a country and before, Argentine rulers intended the country to welcome productive immigration, albeit selectively. Article 25 of the 1853 Constitution reads:
The Federal Government will encourage European immigration, and it will not restrict, limit or burden with any taxes the entrance into Argentine territory of foreigners who come with the goal of working the land, improving the industries and teach the sciences and the arts.
The Preamble of the Constitution, more generously, dictates a number of goals (justice, peace, defense, welfare and liberty) that apply "to all men in the world who wish to dwell on Argentine soil". The Constitution incorporates, along with other influences, the thought of Juan Bautista Alberdi, who expressed his opinion on the matter in succinct terms: "to rule is to populate".
The legal and organizational precedents of today's National Migrations Office (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones) can be found in 1825, when Rivadavia created an Immigration Commission. After the Commission was dissolved, the government of Rosas continued to allow immigration. Urquiza, under whose sponsorship the Constitution was drawn, encouraged the establishment of agricultural colonies in the Littoral (western Mesopotamia and north-eastern Pampas).
The first law dealing with immigration policies was Law 817 of Immigration and Colonization, of 1876. The General Immigration Office was created in 1898, together with the Hotel de Inmigrantes (Immigrants' Hotel), in Buenos Aires.
The liberal rulers of the late 19th century saw immigration as the possibility of bringing people from supposedly more civilized, enlightened countries into a sparsely populated land, thus diminishing the influence of aboriginal elements and turning Argentina into a modern society with a dynamic economy. However, immigrants did not only bring their knowledge and skills. In 1902, a Law of Residence (Ley de Residencia) was passed, mandating the expulsion of foreigners who "compromise national security or disturb public order", and in 1910 a Law of Social Defense (Ley de Defensa Social) explicitly named ideologies deemed to have such effects. These laws were a reaction by the ruling elite against imported ideas such as labor unionism, anarchism and other forms of popular organization.
The modern National Migrations Office was created by decree on February 4, 1949 under the Technical Secretariat of the Presidency, in order to deal with the new post-war immigration scenario. New regulations were added to the Office by Law 22439 of 1981 and a decree of 1994.
By Priscila Puerta, Manuel Buceta, Nicolás Pereyra and Josué Ghiso.
History of Recent Immigration
After the profit of his independence of Spain in the early 19th century, Argentina an opened immigration adopted immigrants of politics and encouraged to embrace the country as his own one. During a short period at the end of the year 1880, the government managed to subsidize immigrant steps of ship. It thinks that the country received more than seven million immigrants, predominantly of Spain and Italy, between 1870 and 1930.
The European migration began Argentina to diminish in the year 1930 during the global economic depression, beginning behind lightly before again the decrease in the year 1950 as the economic and political situation in Europe improved after the Second World War. Clear rates of migration in Argentina remained relatively strong until the year 1980, nevertheless, for flows increased of neighboring countries with less robust economies such as Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Chile (the Table looked at 1), whose inhabitants of the country looked for the employment and the highest wages. Due to the intense urbanization of rural urban internal flows of migration, many of these the migratory species of cone of the south filled the rural demand of work in Argentina. The politics of immigration of Argentina gradually did the most restrictive beginning to itself in the year 1930, and gained the force in the year 1950 due to unstable economic conditions and a series of military dictatorships. These suffocating economic and political conditions they gave place to the first exit of significant emigration of Argentina of native citizens, especially of the extremely expert one, at the end of the year 1960 and the year 1970.
Approximately 185,000 Argentina emigrated between 1960 and 1970, and the number raised to approximately 200,000 in the decade that they followed. The primary destinations of them the extremely expert ones included the United States and Spain, though other countries of the Western Europe and Mexico and Venezuela were also destinations. The low point for the clear migration coincided with the most recent military dictatorship (1976-1983), during which more than 300,000 persons are estimated - predominantly the intellectual ones, students, and minorities - "disappeared". Though some emigrants were returning after the fall of the authoritarian regime in 1983, Argentina they remained many abroad and principally, were integrated to his host's companies.

By Aguilera Lucía, Álvarez Irma, Álvarez Luis, Ferreyra Mariana & Villán Lucía :)!
After the profit of his independence of Spain in the early 19th century, Argentina an opened immigration adopted immigrants of politics and encouraged to embrace the country as his own one. During a short period at the end of the year 1880, the government managed to subsidize immigrant steps of ship. It thinks that the country received more than seven million immigrants, predominantly of Spain and Italy, between 1870 and 1930.
The European migration began Argentina to diminish in the year 1930 during the global economic depression, beginning behind lightly before again the decrease in the year 1950 as the economic and political situation in Europe improved after the Second World War. Clear rates of migration in Argentina remained relatively strong until the year 1980, nevertheless, for flows increased of neighboring countries with less robust economies such as Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Chile (the Table looked at 1), whose inhabitants of the country looked for the employment and the highest wages. Due to the intense urbanization of rural urban internal flows of migration, many of these the migratory species of cone of the south filled the rural demand of work in Argentina. The politics of immigration of Argentina gradually did the most restrictive beginning to itself in the year 1930, and gained the force in the year 1950 due to unstable economic conditions and a series of military dictatorships. These suffocating economic and political conditions they gave place to the first exit of significant emigration of Argentina of native citizens, especially of the extremely expert one, at the end of the year 1960 and the year 1970.
Approximately 185,000 Argentina emigrated between 1960 and 1970, and the number raised to approximately 200,000 in the decade that they followed. The primary destinations of them the extremely expert ones included the United States and Spain, though other countries of the Western Europe and Mexico and Venezuela were also destinations. The low point for the clear migration coincided with the most recent military dictatorship (1976-1983), during which more than 300,000 persons are estimated - predominantly the intellectual ones, students, and minorities - "disappeared". Though some emigrants were returning after the fall of the authoritarian regime in 1983, Argentina they remained many abroad and principally, were integrated to his host's companies.

By Aguilera Lucía, Álvarez Irma, Álvarez Luis, Ferreyra Mariana & Villán Lucía :)!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Features of immigration
The majority of immigrants, since the 19th century, came from Europe, mostly from Italy and Spain. Also notable were Jewish immigrants escaping persecution. The total population of Argentina rose from 4 million in 1895 to 7.9 million in 1914, and to 15.8 million in 1947; during this time the country was settled by 1.5 million Spaniards and 1.4 million Italians, as well as Poles, Russians, French (more than 100,000 each), Germans and Austrians (also more than 100,000), Portuguese, Greek, Ukrainians, Yugoslavians, Czechs, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, Dutch, Scandinavians, and people from other European and Middle Eastern countries. Argentine immigration records includes those from Australia and North America (the USA).
Most immigrants arrived through the port of Buenos Aires and stayed in the capital or within Buenos Aires Province, as it still happens today. In 1895, immigrants accounted for 52% of the population in the Capital, and 31% in the province of Buenos Aires (some provinces of the littoral, such as Santa Fe, had about 40%, and the Patagonian provinces about 50%). In 1914, before World War I caused many European immigrants to return to their homeland in order to join the respective armies, the overall rate of foreign-born population reached its peak, almost 30%.
A significant number of immigrants settled in the countryside in the interior of the country, especially the littoral provinces, creating agricultural colonies. These included many Jews, fleeing pogroms in Europe and sponsored by Maurice de Hirsch's Jewish Colonization Association; they were later termed "Jewish gauchos". The first such Jewish colony was Moïseville (now the village of Moisés Ville). Through most of the 20th century Argentina held one of the largest Jewish communities (near 500,000) after the USA, France, Israel and Russia, and by far the largest in Latin America (see History of the Jews in Argentina). The Welsh settlement of Argentina, whilst not as large as those from other countries, was nevertheless one of the largest in the planet, and had an important cultural influence on the Patagonian Chubut Province. Other nationalities have also settled in particular areas of the country, such as Irish in Formosa and the Mesopotamia region, the Ukrainians in Misiones where they constitute approximately 9% of the population.[2] Well-known and culturally strong are the German-speaking communities such as those of German-descendants themselves (both those from Germany itself, and those ethnic Germans from other parts of Europe, such as Volga Germans), Austrian, and Swiss ones. Strong German-descendant populations can be found in the Mesopotamia region (especially Entre Ríos and Misiones provinces), many neighborhoods in Buenos Aires city (such as Belgrano or Palermo), the Buenos Aires Province itself (strong German settlement in Coronel Suárez, Tornquist and other areas), Córdoba (the Oktoberfest celebration in Villa General Belgrano is specially famous) and all along the Patagonian region, including important cities such as San Carlos de Bariloche (an important tourist spot near the Andes mountain chain, which was especially influenced by German settlements).
Other nationalities, such as Spaniards, although having specific localities (e.g. the centre of Buenos Aires) are more uniformly present all around the country and form the general background of Argentine population today.

By Deamigo Yamila, Rojas Victoria,Fidalgo Brian and Orosco Nahuel
The majority of immigrants, since the 19th century, came from Europe, mostly from Italy and Spain. Also notable were Jewish immigrants escaping persecution. The total population of Argentina rose from 4 million in 1895 to 7.9 million in 1914, and to 15.8 million in 1947; during this time the country was settled by 1.5 million Spaniards and 1.4 million Italians, as well as Poles, Russians, French (more than 100,000 each), Germans and Austrians (also more than 100,000), Portuguese, Greek, Ukrainians, Yugoslavians, Czechs, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, Dutch, Scandinavians, and people from other European and Middle Eastern countries. Argentine immigration records includes those from Australia and North America (the USA).
Most immigrants arrived through the port of Buenos Aires and stayed in the capital or within Buenos Aires Province, as it still happens today. In 1895, immigrants accounted for 52% of the population in the Capital, and 31% in the province of Buenos Aires (some provinces of the littoral, such as Santa Fe, had about 40%, and the Patagonian provinces about 50%). In 1914, before World War I caused many European immigrants to return to their homeland in order to join the respective armies, the overall rate of foreign-born population reached its peak, almost 30%.
A significant number of immigrants settled in the countryside in the interior of the country, especially the littoral provinces, creating agricultural colonies. These included many Jews, fleeing pogroms in Europe and sponsored by Maurice de Hirsch's Jewish Colonization Association; they were later termed "Jewish gauchos". The first such Jewish colony was Moïseville (now the village of Moisés Ville). Through most of the 20th century Argentina held one of the largest Jewish communities (near 500,000) after the USA, France, Israel and Russia, and by far the largest in Latin America (see History of the Jews in Argentina). The Welsh settlement of Argentina, whilst not as large as those from other countries, was nevertheless one of the largest in the planet, and had an important cultural influence on the Patagonian Chubut Province. Other nationalities have also settled in particular areas of the country, such as Irish in Formosa and the Mesopotamia region, the Ukrainians in Misiones where they constitute approximately 9% of the population.[2] Well-known and culturally strong are the German-speaking communities such as those of German-descendants themselves (both those from Germany itself, and those ethnic Germans from other parts of Europe, such as Volga Germans), Austrian, and Swiss ones. Strong German-descendant populations can be found in the Mesopotamia region (especially Entre Ríos and Misiones provinces), many neighborhoods in Buenos Aires city (such as Belgrano or Palermo), the Buenos Aires Province itself (strong German settlement in Coronel Suárez, Tornquist and other areas), Córdoba (the Oktoberfest celebration in Villa General Belgrano is specially famous) and all along the Patagonian region, including important cities such as San Carlos de Bariloche (an important tourist spot near the Andes mountain chain, which was especially influenced by German settlements).
Other nationalities, such as Spaniards, although having specific localities (e.g. the centre of Buenos Aires) are more uniformly present all around the country and form the general background of Argentine population today.

By Deamigo Yamila, Rojas Victoria,Fidalgo Brian and Orosco Nahuel
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Today is a very special day for Argentine people because Argentina celebrates 200 years of the May Revolution which opened the way to Independence.
Argentina celebrates this important date with a 4-day popular party along the widest Avenue in Buenos Aires City , Avenida 9 de Julio.
Click Here\
odo-el-pais/ to see photos of the event.
Argentina celebrates this important date with a 4-day popular party along the widest Avenue in Buenos Aires City , Avenida 9 de Julio.
Click Here
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Saint Joaquina's Day
A celebration day for all of us. We thank for Joachina's life, which motivates us everyday.
Here is our principal's salutation. Thank you, Sandra.
Here is our principal's salutation. Thank you, Sandra.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Glogster posters
With GLOGSTER, you can create online posters. You can upload photographs, sentences, images, animations, videos and music. It is also possible to create link buttons to other Glogs or to any other web site
Last year I made a poster with some of my blogs, a kind of e-portfolio. If you place the cursor on "Glogster" you will see the option to view the poster "full size".
When you click on an image, it will take you to the site.

Last year I made a poster with some of my blogs, a kind of e-portfolio. If you place the cursor on "Glogster" you will see the option to view the poster "full size".
When you click on an image, it will take you to the site.

St Joachina

By Priscila Puerta, Nicolás Pereyra, Manuel Buceta and Josué Ghiso.
Saint Joaquina
She was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1773. His father, Don Lorenzo de Vedruna, was rich and high official of government. Her family was very Catholic.
At the age of sixteen, she got married with Don Teodoro de Mas in 1799, she had nine children and she was widowed in 1816.
She was very devoted to the Blessed. Trinidad, the Virgin Mary and gave the dissemination of her work and the care of the sick, prayer and mortification. He died a saintly in Barcelona 1854.
She was beatified on 12/04/1959 and canonized on 19/05/1940.
Her message
* That in our own condition of life we can and must sanctify ourselves.
* That we are always attentive to the Gentleman “that calls ".
* That the life of sacrifice is a brief way for the sky.
* That the prayer and the humility are necessary for to be saved.
Her prayer
Lord, you who have given rise in the Church Santa Joaquina Vedruna for Christian education of youth and the relief of the sick, let us know imitate his example and devote our lives to serve our brothers with love. Amen.
Alan Maldonado, Gonzalo Méndez, Luis Quiroz.
She was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1773. His father, Don Lorenzo de Vedruna, was rich and high official of government. Her family was very Catholic.
At the age of sixteen, she got married with Don Teodoro de Mas in 1799, she had nine children and she was widowed in 1816.
She was very devoted to the Blessed. Trinidad, the Virgin Mary and gave the dissemination of her work and the care of the sick, prayer and mortification. He died a saintly in Barcelona 1854.
She was beatified on 12/04/1959 and canonized on 19/05/1940.
Her message
* That in our own condition of life we can and must sanctify ourselves.
* That we are always attentive to the Gentleman “that calls ".
* That the life of sacrifice is a brief way for the sky.
* That the prayer and the humility are necessary for to be saved.
Her prayer
Lord, you who have given rise in the Church Santa Joaquina Vedruna for Christian education of youth and the relief of the sick, let us know imitate his example and devote our lives to serve our brothers with love. Amen.
Alan Maldonado, Gonzalo Méndez, Luis Quiroz.
Joachima was born at Barcelona on April 16, 1783.. Her parents were Lawrence De Vedruna and Teresa Vidal.
Even from her childhood Joachima felt urged to offer to God even the smallest actions.
Asked by her mother how she managed to keep herself recollected for such a long time, she replied that everything spoke to her of God: the pins used for pillow lace reminded her of the thorns of the crown of the Crucified, Whom she wished to console by little sacrifices; the thread used for sewing recalled the ropes with which Jesus was bound to the pillar; the useless weeds of the gardens represented her own faults to be rooted out at their inception. At the age of nine she made her First Communion and at twelve she asked to consecrate herself to God among the cloistered Carmelite nuns of Barcelona;
but she was not accepted because she was too young.
She was barely sixteen years old when Theodore De Mas asked for her hand in marriage. He too had strongly felt the call to the religious life, but had found an obstacle in the will of his parents, because he was the firstborn and heir to a glorious name. Reassured by her confessor that this was the will of God, Joachima married Theodore on March 24, 1799. The perfect affinity of this couple made their home a kingdom of concord and of peace. Both began the day in church and finished it with the recitation of the Rosary, to which, in the course of the years, was united the silvery choir of nine children.
Joachima loved her children with all her heart; she corrected their faults with patience, she encouraged them in the practice of the virtues, and at every moment gave them the lesson of her example.
Her message
• that in our own state of life can and must sanctify.
• we are always attentive to the Lord "calling."
• that life is way short of sacrifice to heaven.
• that prayer and humility are necessary for salvation
Lord God,
you gave St Joachina de Vedruna to your Church
for the Christian education of youth
and the care of the sick.
May we follow her example,
and lovingly devote our lives
to serving you in our brothers and sisters.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
Foundation of the Carmelites in Madrid
Religious Community
This religious community of Carmelites of Charity was born with the College and the College according to the mission of realizing the educational charism Santa Joaquina de Vedruna instilled in her daughters, and these teachers.
Yamila deamigo, Brian Fidalgo, Nahuel Orosco and María Victoria Rojas
Joachima was born at Barcelona on April 16, 1783.. Her parents were Lawrence De Vedruna and Teresa Vidal.
Even from her childhood Joachima felt urged to offer to God even the smallest actions.
Asked by her mother how she managed to keep herself recollected for such a long time, she replied that everything spoke to her of God: the pins used for pillow lace reminded her of the thorns of the crown of the Crucified, Whom she wished to console by little sacrifices; the thread used for sewing recalled the ropes with which Jesus was bound to the pillar; the useless weeds of the gardens represented her own faults to be rooted out at their inception. At the age of nine she made her First Communion and at twelve she asked to consecrate herself to God among the cloistered Carmelite nuns of Barcelona;
but she was not accepted because she was too young.
She was barely sixteen years old when Theodore De Mas asked for her hand in marriage. He too had strongly felt the call to the religious life, but had found an obstacle in the will of his parents, because he was the firstborn and heir to a glorious name. Reassured by her confessor that this was the will of God, Joachima married Theodore on March 24, 1799. The perfect affinity of this couple made their home a kingdom of concord and of peace. Both began the day in church and finished it with the recitation of the Rosary, to which, in the course of the years, was united the silvery choir of nine children.
Joachima loved her children with all her heart; she corrected their faults with patience, she encouraged them in the practice of the virtues, and at every moment gave them the lesson of her example.
Her message
• that in our own state of life can and must sanctify.
• we are always attentive to the Lord "calling."
• that life is way short of sacrifice to heaven.
• that prayer and humility are necessary for salvation
Lord God,
you gave St Joachina de Vedruna to your Church
for the Christian education of youth
and the care of the sick.
May we follow her example,
and lovingly devote our lives
to serving you in our brothers and sisters.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
Foundation of the Carmelites in Madrid
Religious Community
This religious community of Carmelites of Charity was born with the College and the College according to the mission of realizing the educational charism Santa Joaquina de Vedruna instilled in her daughters, and these teachers.
Yamila deamigo, Brian Fidalgo, Nahuel Orosco and María Victoria Rojas
Saint Joachina -
Saint Joachina
Born into an aristocratic family in Barcelona, Spain, Joachina was 12 when she expressed a desire to become a Carmelite nun. But her life took an altogether different turn at 16 with her marriage to a young lawyer, Theodore de Mas. Both deeply devout, they became secular Franciscans. During their 17 years of married life they raised eight children.
The normalcy of their family life was interrupted when Napoleon invaded Spain. Joachina had to flee with the children; Theodore, remaining behind, died. Though Joachima reexperienced a desire to enter a religious community, she attended to her duties as a mother. At the same time, the young widow led a life of austerity and chose to wear the habit of the Third Order of St. Francis as her ordinary dress. She spent much time in prayer and visiting the sick.
Four years later, with some of her children now married and younger ones under their care, Joachima confessed her desire to a priest to join a religious order. With his encouragement she established the Carmelite Sisters of Charity. In the midst of the fratricidal wars occurring at the time, Joachina was briefly imprisoned and, later, exiled to France for several years.
Sickness ultimately compelled her to resign as superior of her order. Over the next four years she slowly succumbed to paralysis, which caused her to die by inches. At her death in 1854 at the age of 71, Joachina was known and admired for her high degree of prayer, deep trust in God and selfless charity.

Lord God,
you gave St Joachina de Vedruna to your Church
for the Christian education of youth
and the care of the sick.
May we follow her example,
and lovingly devote our lives
to serving you in our brothers and sisters.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
By Aguilera Lucia; Álvarez Luis; Ferreyra Mariana and Villán Lucía :)
Born into an aristocratic family in Barcelona, Spain, Joachina was 12 when she expressed a desire to become a Carmelite nun. But her life took an altogether different turn at 16 with her marriage to a young lawyer, Theodore de Mas. Both deeply devout, they became secular Franciscans. During their 17 years of married life they raised eight children.
The normalcy of their family life was interrupted when Napoleon invaded Spain. Joachina had to flee with the children; Theodore, remaining behind, died. Though Joachima reexperienced a desire to enter a religious community, she attended to her duties as a mother. At the same time, the young widow led a life of austerity and chose to wear the habit of the Third Order of St. Francis as her ordinary dress. She spent much time in prayer and visiting the sick.
Four years later, with some of her children now married and younger ones under their care, Joachima confessed her desire to a priest to join a religious order. With his encouragement she established the Carmelite Sisters of Charity. In the midst of the fratricidal wars occurring at the time, Joachina was briefly imprisoned and, later, exiled to France for several years.
Sickness ultimately compelled her to resign as superior of her order. Over the next four years she slowly succumbed to paralysis, which caused her to die by inches. At her death in 1854 at the age of 71, Joachina was known and admired for her high degree of prayer, deep trust in God and selfless charity.

Lord God,
you gave St Joachina de Vedruna to your Church
for the Christian education of youth
and the care of the sick.
May we follow her example,
and lovingly devote our lives
to serving you in our brothers and sisters.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
By Aguilera Lucia; Álvarez Luis; Ferreyra Mariana and Villán Lucía :)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Present simple or present continuous?
I know you are "working hard" to prepare wonderful presentations about Saint Joachina and our Bicentenary. Anyway, here are some sites to continue practising tenses:
- Present Perfect and Simple Past
- For and since
- Present Perfect Continuous (theory)
- Present Perfect Contiuous (exercise)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The bear pink
It's dancing her favourite music.
It look like a little bear pink :)
It's teaching to other bears for dance as her.
Because this bear is the best to dancing.
It's with other bears.
It's dancing her favourite music.
It look like a little bear pink :)
It's teaching to other bears for dance as her.
Because this bear is the best to dancing.
It's with other bears.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Here's our animation Gonzi :) jaja
what he/she is doing
He's dancing :)
what he/she looks like
He looks like a player of Boca Juniors
what is going on in the animation
He's dancing because he did a goal before, and the rest of the people is jumping at the same
why he/she is there
Because he's playing futbol at the stadium
who he/she is with
He is with with fans of the team
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Photo and video sharing sites
In these sites you can upload photos and share them with others. Start using your imagination and decide how you can use material about St Joaquina that you already have! PhotoFilmStrip creates movies out of your pictures in just 3 steps. First select your photos, customize the motion path and render the video. Watch videos with subtitles in your language, upload your videos, create your own subtitles!
I invite you to publish videos and photos in your blogs!
I prepared this presentation from my last summer holidays. They're pictures from Los Reyunos, in San Rafael, Mendoza.
Los Reyunos is a dam on the Diamante river; the dam is used to generate hydroelectricity. This is done in a power station located below the level of the reservoir.
Los Reyunos Fishing and Nautical Club, along with private summer residences and a hotel, lies on the western shore of the reservoir and serves as a base for activities in the lake (such as windsurf, canoeing) and in the surrounding mountains (such as hiking).
The landscape is unbelievably beautiful and it invites you to relax! PhotoFilmStrip creates movies out of your pictures in just 3 steps. First select your photos, customize the motion path and render the video. Watch videos with subtitles in your language, upload your videos, create your own subtitles!
I invite you to publish videos and photos in your blogs!
- Visit this site:
- Open an account by clicking on "register"
- Start creating.You can choose different effects, colours and styles for your pictures and you can also add music.
- Once it is ready, get the embedding code and post together with a description. (I've done one)
- If at the moment of publishing your post, they show you an "alert" saying that there's an error, click on "Stop showing HTML errors for the body of this post" and click on publish the post again.
I prepared this presentation from my last summer holidays. They're pictures from Los Reyunos, in San Rafael, Mendoza.
Los Reyunos is a dam on the Diamante river; the dam is used to generate hydroelectricity. This is done in a power station located below the level of the reservoir.
Los Reyunos Fishing and Nautical Club, along with private summer residences and a hotel, lies on the western shore of the reservoir and serves as a base for activities in the lake (such as windsurf, canoeing) and in the surrounding mountains (such as hiking).
The landscape is unbelievably beautiful and it invites you to relax!
Saint Joaquina
You will find information about St Joaquina in the following sites:
Friday, May 7, 2010
The following site lets you draw a person and then turns your drawing into a bunch of dancing people having a good time.
Follow these steps:
Activity to be done in pairs:
Follow these steps:
- Go to the site
- Draw a person
- Get the embedding code and post the animation in your blog
- what he/she is doing
- what he/she looks like
- what is going on in the animation
- why he/she is there
- who he/she is with
Blogger tutorial
I'd like you to watch the following video that'll guide you to open a blog, publish a post, add images and edit those posts you've already published.
Watch it, but don't try to publish anything yet. If you have any questions, write them in "comments".
On Saturday, I will publish an activity to be done in pairs.
Watch it, but don't try to publish anything yet. If you have any questions, write them in "comments".
On Saturday, I will publish an activity to be done in pairs.
Uploading a video to the blog
And here's another tutorial that'll teach you how to upload a video from your computer to your blog.
You'll also find instructions about how to add a video from YourTube to the blog.
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