- What would you do if you had more time?
- Where would you go if you could travel without difficulties?
- Which famous person would you like to meet if you could and why?
- What would you buy if you had more money?
- What would you do if a teacher gave a low grade for a work you consider good?
Friday, September 17, 2010
This page will explain how the first conditional is formed, and when to use it. You will also find some exercises
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Water Pollution
Comprising over 70% of the Earth surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprised of hydrogen and oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent: it is essential for everything on our planet to grow and prosper. Although we as humans recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Subsequently, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms
are dying at a very alarming rate. In addition to innocent organisms dying off, our drinking water has become greatly affected as is our ability to use water for recreational purposes. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution.
Many causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates. In excess levels, nutrients over stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae. Excessive growth of these types of organisms consequently clogs our waterways, use up dissolved oxygen as they decompose, and block light to deeper waters.
This, in turn, proves very harmful to aquatic organisms as it affects the respiration ability or fish and other invertebrates that reside in water.
Pollution is also caused when silt and other suspended solids, such as soil, wash off plowed fields, construction and logging sites, urban areas, and eroded river banks when it rains. Under natural conditions, lakes, rivers, and other water bodies undergo Eutrophication, an aging process that slowly fills in the water body with sediment and organic matter. When these sediments enter various bodies of water, fish respiration becomes impaired, plant productivity and water depth become reduced, and aquatic organisms and their environments become suffocated. Pollution in the form of organic
material enters waterways in many different forms as sewage, as leaves and grass clippings, or as runoff from livestock feedlots and pastures. When natural bacteria and protozoan in the water break down this organic material, they begin to use up the oxygen dissolved in the water. Many types of fish and bottom-dwelling animals cannot survive when levels of dissolved oxygen drop below two to five parts per million. When this occurs, it kills aquatic organisms in large numbers which leads to disruptions in the food chain.
Pollution of the air
In the big cities as good airs, the air becomes unbeatable for the smokes of the factories, heatings, public transport, particular cars, motorcycles, groups and trucks that spit black smoke from his pipes of leak. The smoke is a set of particles of fuel that it does not stop carbonizing. This problem supported by all and almost without control, it us proves that this alteration of the environment turns out to be unfavorable for the natural environment and is a direct or indirect consequence of the activity of the human. Nowdays the levels of pollution of the air in the city of Buenos Aires, are very high, a product of the particles in suspecion like: Hollin, polvo, aerosol, gases, steams, smokes and smelly substances. All the human beings we depend of the environment because of it is so important to assume our responsibility without stopping admitting that an important obstacle resides in the financing source of the environmental programs. It is indispensable that the economic systems incorporate the environmental cost, since all the natural resources are goods of the public domain and I spoil and his pollutions commit an outrage against and common, right good dedicate in the constitution
Effects of the pollution
The effect of greenhouse, the destruction of the cap of ozone and the acid rain, between others. Cars, trucks, groups, heatings and many other elements more, they dismiss gas infinity that they contaminate the atmosphere. When the carbonic anhydride (Co) is accumulating slowly in the atmosphere it provokes the effect of screen that prevents that the heat escapes to the space, with what the atmospheric temperature increases. The aerosols and other pollutant products affect the cap of ozone that surrounds our atmosphere, which protects us from the dangerous radiations proceeding from the space. Diseases like the cancer and up to l alteration of our genes they are the serious risks to which we are exposed.
The origin of the acid rain is the water steam that reacts with the pollutant particles and gives place to acids and oxides therefore the water that falls down is acid and corrodes the metals, destroys the stone and the cement of the buildings and kills the plants.
The acid rain and other forms of pollution are not accidents, but the result of a form of life and are not easy to resolve. The consequences of the air pollution for the health they are immense. According to the organization mundial for the health of between 85 % to 95 % of all the diseases of the respiratory tracts they have toher.
In order that between all we could do something in order that this air little clean more, we give you the serious one of recommendations:
If your, your family or your friends of study damaging the environment directly or indirectly, make first your style of life and after it tries to persuade them in order that they do the same thing
The contribution more big to the global warming comes from the fossil fuels.
Reflection end
It is necessary to provoke a cultural deep change in the population with regard to his conviviality with the noises, exiling the historical habit of associating noise and power that so much I damage does us. The performance of each one of us depends of our neighbors with regard to the noises. The result sera an improvement in the relation between the persons conflicts were avoided, suffering unnecessary human beings, and you prop, it was increasing the efficiency and aptitude to complete of the persons and the city in his set.
Clearly, the problems associated with water pollution have the capabilities to disrupt life on our planet to a great extent. Congress has passed laws to try to combat water pollution thus acknowledging the fact that water pollution is, indeed, a serious issue. But the government alone cannot solve the entire problem. It is ultimately up to us, to be informed, responsible and involved when it comes to the problems we face with our water. We must become familiar with our local water resources and learn about ways for disposing harmful household wastes so they don’t end up in sewage treatment plants that can’t handle them or landfills not designed to receive hazardous materials. In our yards, we must determine whether additional nutrients are needed before fertilizers are applied, and look for alternatives where fertilizers might run off into surface waters. We have to preserve existing trees and plant new trees and shrubs to help prevent soil erosion and promote infiltration of water into the soil. Around our houses, we must keep litter, pet waste, leaves, and grass clippings out of gutters and storm drains. These are
just a few of the many ways in which we, as humans, have the ability to combat water pollution. As we head into the 21st century, awareness and education will most assuredly continue to be the two most important ways to prevent water pollution. If these measures are not taken and water pollution continues, life on earth will suffer severely.
Global environmental collapse is not inevitable. But the developed world must work with the developing world to ensure that new industrialized economies do not add to the world's environmental problems. Politicians must think of sustainable development rather than economic expansion. Conservation strategies have to become more widely accepted, and people must learn that energy use can be dramatically diminished without sacrificing comfort. In short, with the technology that currently exists, the years of global environmental mistreatment can begin to be reversed.
- Many causes of pollution including sewage and fertilizers contain nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates
- Pollution is also caused when silt and other suspended solids, such as soil, washoff plowed fields, construction and logging sites, urban areas, and eroded river banks when it rains.
- Comprising over 70% of the Earth surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet.
- Global environmental collapse is not inevitable. But the developed world must work with the developing world to ensure that new industrialized economies do not add to the world's environmental problems.
- Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprised of hydrogen and oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent: it is essential for everything on our planet to grow and prosper.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Preserving our Earth is something that takes everyone working together to see results and make the change successful. Working to save the environment can happen in the home, at work or in between. You may not know which way is best to start, so choosing to start at home should be your top priority. Starting at home can save you money as well as preserve the earth.
Because there are so many different ways to preserve the earth and take care of the environment we don't need the modern technology that is available today but we want it, not realizing the long term affect that our wants have on the earth.
# Turn the water off while you brush your teeth
# Turn the lights off when you leave the room
# Put cans, paper products and plastic containers in the recycling bin instead of the trash # Learn to recycle other materials such as newspapers, magazines, clothing and more.
# Don't stand with the refrigerator door open to look at what is available
# Dress warmer so the heat can stay at a minimum during the day and evening
Thursday, September 9, 2010

In the next blog we want to explain the contamination of our environment.
can be observed, two videos, which explains the pollution we create and do not give importance
and on the other side you can see pictures of factories expelling chemicals.
because of this, pollution has increased rapidly. today there are ways to avoid the high pollution,and simply ignored.
but, early or afternoon affect us in the future in the summers very hotter and winters very colder.